Celebrating 40 Years.

December 17, 1985
In 1985 a group of concerned citizens led by Sister Grace Mary McGuire began to ponder ways they could make a concrete difference in the lives of people living in deplorable poverty in the Canton, Flora, and Camden areas of Madison County. The group became Madison Countians Allied Against Poverty (MadCAAP). MadCAAP’s Clothes Closet (Grace’s Closet) is named in honor of Sister Grace Mary.

The food pantry opens its doors. That year, 229 families received food. Curiously, as of today, we provide food for that same amount of families every 2 weeks.
Also, in 2007, MadCAAP had 771 clothes shoppers. People would make a line around the building to get clothes.
Hope Today Capital Campaign funded the 8,900-square-foot education and resource center in Canton. Since its construction, the education center has served more than 2,750 Madison County families.

Garden of Hope.

May 8, 2023
The ribbon cutting of the annex.